Aug 2, 2023

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb (1995) Spectra

The bastard child of the King-in-waiting is brought to his people as a six-year-old to raise.  He starts living in the stables with the man who received him, there he discovers an affinity with animals, able even to use their minds.  His foster father punishes him for this.  Everyone calls him Fitz (Old English for the bastard son of).  Then after his father abdicates and moves away, then dies, Fitz is trained by the King's assassin, himself the King's bastard.  His father's wife decides to return to the capital and see to him being trained in courtly arts.  A chance is given him to learn Skills, which he blows in a magnificent display, though what really happened was planned by the teacher.  Then Fitz is sent to spy on a remote wedding of the current King-in-waiting using his brother, the youngest Prince as proxy.  Though the real plan is to assassinate the King-in-waiting and the King so the youngest Prince will inherit the position.  Only Fitz surprises everyone.

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