Feb 2, 2022

Dance of a Burning Sea by E J Willow (2021) Montlake

The three Musai are back.  This is the story of the middle sister, the dancer, who can spring the heat of magic from her dance.  Only she got herself, and her sister’s secret in danger.  She revealed who she was to the worst pirate the Thief Kingdom as ever known.  And her father, the King, has put a bounty on his head.  She has no idea what he would do if he found out his middle daughter let the pirate learn their secret.  It takes a bet, lost by the dancer, which has committed her to a year’s service on the pirate’s ship to induce the Thief King to rescind the bounty on the pirate’s head.  Only during that year, she finds that he is really a prince in a kingdom he was supposed to rule but stole its magic artifact to force the kingdom to save his sick, younger brother, and let him rule.  Now, he has to restore the artifact to save his kingdom.

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