Apr 6, 2019

The Fall of Five by Pittacus Lore (2013) HarperCollins

The fourth book the Lorien Legacy series in which we get a traitor in the midst of the children of Lorien.  We start with Sam being reunited with his father as they break out of a Mogodorian prison with the help of a young Mogodorian named Adam.

The others notice that number five is moving from Jamaica to Florida and burns a huge crop circle in the swamp.  It hits the news and the group go to rescue the new guy before the Mogodorians find him.  He’s smaller than the others and stockier and quieter.  But as soon as they find him, the Mogodorians attack.  They fight their way out of the bind with a last second shot from Malcom, Sam’s father.

Everyone returns to Chicago and they try to figure out a next move.  It is decided that they should return to the Florida swamp because Five left his chest there with its artifacts.  But Ella, number ten, has a screaming nightmare and when John, four, touches her to try healing her, he also is trapped in her nightmare.  The others decide to go to Florida anyway.

Once they get there, it turns out that five is a traitor and in an attempt to kill nine, he accidentally kills eight.  But the anger that causes seven brings on a new aspect of the chill she experiences when healing and she freezes the water around them and drive an icicle into fives foot and another one into his eye.

In the meantime, John sees Ella in the nightmare sitting on a throne next to Setracus Ra, calling for the death of six.  The Mogodorians choose to attack the penthouse at this point with only humans, Malcom, Sam and John’s girlfriend, Sarah, to defend the place and the two sleeping Loriens.  John wakes up, but cannot keep the Mogodorians from taking Ella.=

Ella wakes in an unknown bed and finds herself on the Mogodorian mother ship.  She tries to escape, but no one stops her.  There is nowhere to go.  Setrakus Ra finds her and calls her his granddaughter.

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